Replace line breaks with any other characters.
Luckily, Ultimate Suite makes up for that omission with a selection of utilities to remove excess spaces, extract substrings, delete or replace characters and substrings, convert text to numbers, and more. Regrettably, it doesn’t provide that many ways for managing text content. Microsoft Excel is not all about numbers and formulas, but also text. Text and strings tools Make your text data as perfect as numbers We’ve been developing Office add-ins for 18 years and paid our dues to create the perfect code of solutions that work on all Excel and Windows versions. The toolset includes 60+ professional tools with 300+ options and use cases for you to accomplish any task in Excel quickly and flawlessly. There’s no sense in wasting time in Excel anymore, speed up yourself with Ablebits! Ultimate Suite for Excel Comprehensive set of time-saving tools Download on MediaFire Click here Download on Googledrive Click here